Do ODL (Dissemination of Open and Distance Learning) will address important issues for dissemination of ODL in higher education.
Do ODL is a project granted within the European Commision programme SOCRATES, and there are eight partners in 4 different European countries; Finland, Greece, The Netherlands, Norway and United Kingdom.
One objective of Do ODL is to define models for collaboration between European academic institutions so they can function as centres for each other in the field of ODL. This includes enhancing the skills og teachers, trainers and managers in the fiels of ODL. The Module Pedagogy in Open Learning from MECPOL project will be offered to teach members of ODL to make their own courseware. ECTS will be tried out in the project. The project will also investigate in tools to organise and enhance the ODL learning situation, as well as tools for the administration of a distributed ODL environment.
Organisations that participate in Do ODL are:
- Sør-Trøndelag College
- Hanzehogeschool (Hogeschool van Groningen)
- University of Sheffield
- Helsinki Business Polytechnic
- Technological Educational Institution (T.E.I, Thessaloniki)
- Agder College
- Stord/Haugesund College
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
The Project
- Field Trials (WP2)
- The Course Catalogue Autumn 1997 (Course Catalog Spring 1997)
- DoODL Workgroup internal information (password required)
- Links of ODL
This page is produced by TISIP Last updated: 1997 03/04 (ABM)