Pedagogy in Open Learning:

Lesson 02: Technology

Geir Maribu, 4. March 1997

Through this lesson I will try to establish a common understanding of the technology we have experienced through the NITOL project in Norway. One thousand students are following ODL courses as a part of the NITOL project this semester. And the technology we use are World Wide Web to distribute lessons, News-groups for discussion, and Email for sending exercises to the mentor and for Q/A.

Yo may take also a look at our web-page for ODL at Sør-Trøndelag College (in norwegian).

If you have some ideas or something about newer technology or some experience please let us know by writing in the discussion group.


  1. Introduction
  2. Connecting to the Internet
    1. Dialling into the Internet from your PC
    2. Local Area Networks (LANs)
    3. Transmitting capacity (bandwidth)
  3. Internet Services
    1. The World Wide Web
    2. Electronic Mail
    3. Electronic Newsgroups
    4. Mailing Lists
    5. File Transfer
    6. Searching for Information on the Internet
  4. New Services to come
  5. Internet and Open Learning
    1. Teaching material distribution via the Internet
    2. Classroom Discussions Via the Internet
    3. Sending Answers
    4. Information Flow Between Teacher and Student
  6. Exercises

The lesson is also available as a Word-document compressed to a ZIP-fila (629 Kbyte)
The course lessons remain the property of their authors. The course participants may freely utilise the lessons for their personal use. However, if they want to use the lessons for teaching or other courses they must contact the author directly for a more precise agreement.

Copyright: Geir Maribu/NITOL

Geir Maribu