Pedagogy in Open Learning:

Lesson 06: The Elementary Information Units of Hypermedia - Links and Nodes

Arvid Staupe, Eirik Sneen, 24. July. 1996


Hypermedia consists of two basic information units: links and nodes. Nodes contain different information types which may consist of text, pictures, sound and video. Links handle the natural transition from one node to another, thus adding structure to the information.


  1. The Elementary Information Units of Hypermedia - Links and Nodes
    1. Links
      1. Link categories
      2. Link attributes
      3. Link starting points
      4. Link stopping points
    2. Nodes
      1. Node attributes
      2. The visual representation of nodes
      3. Node representation of information objects
      4. Node representation in the information model
      5. Node templates
  2. The composite information units of hypermedia: Hyperdocuments and database diagrams
    1. The composite information units of hypermedia:
    2. Hyperdocuments
      1. Document representation
      2. The structure of hyperdocuments
      3. Links through hyperdocuments
    3. Database diagrams
      1. Generating database diagrams
      2. Specialising diagrams
  3. References

Any question about the lesson must be sent by email to Arvid Staupe, email:

The lesson is also available as a Word-document compressed to a ZIP-fila (119 Kbyte)
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Copyright: Arvid Staupe/NITOL and Erik Sneen

Converted to HTML by Geir Maribu, 22. January 1997