Pedagogy in Open Learning:
Lesson 07: Problems when Using Hypermedia
Arvid Staupe, Eirik Sneen, 24. July 1996
On occasion hypermedia may give the user problems. Especially three problem areas are frequently reported: Users get lost in the information, users are unable to find relevant information, and users are unable to understand the workings of hypermedia. Some techniques have been tested and proposed to alleviate these problems. We will look at these in this lesson.
Furthermore, we will describe some routines designed to control particular situations which arise when using hypermedia.
- Problems when Using Hypermedia
- Structuring problems
- Disorientation problems
- Help
- Guided tours
- Text reminders
- Special situations which may arise
- Publishing prematurely
- Hypermedia used for teaching
- Types of hypersystems
- Educational issues
- References
- Assignments for the hypersystems lessons
Any question about the lesson must be sent by email to Arvid Staupe, email:
The lesson is also available as a Word-document compressed to a ZIP-fila (139 Kbyte)
The course lessons remain the property of their authors. The course participants may freely utilise the lessons for their personal use. However, if they want to use the lessons for teaching or other courses they must contact the author directly for a more precise agreement.
Copyright: Arvid Staupe/NITOL and Erik Sneen
Converted to HTML by Geir Maribu, 26. January 1997