Access - used about user rights to information in regard to security/privacy.
Attribute - a characteristic of an entity. A registration date is an attribute of a link.
Attribute value - the specific attribute content. For example: 31/12/94.
Author - a user who creates hypermedia information.
Design - a hypersystem seen from the point of view of the developer.
Designer - the person who develops the hypersystem. S/he is the opposite number of the user.
Entity - applied to various objects with common traits which may be digitally represented as independent units.
Filtering - an option for a user to reduce the available information to which he has access, making it easier to find relevant information by limiting attributes.
Groupware - a system permitting several persons to work on the same information at the same time.
Hyper document - A set of nodes and links which together may be considered a unit.
Hyperbase - the total amount of information compiled in the hyper system.
Hyperbase system - those elements of a hypersystem which manage the hyperbase. This concerns issues such as access control, consistency and variants.
Hypermedia functionality - a system or an application which employs elements of hypermedia functionality.
Hypermedia system or Hypersystem - a system offering complete hypermedia functionality, e.g. systems resembling Intermedia, Neptune or KMS.
Information object - an information unit which contains pure information, which may be various forms of multimedia information, e.g. audio, images, video and text.
Information unit - an information carrier. Elementary units are nodes and links. Complex units are diagrams and hyperdocuments.
Query - a request for information from a database. A query may be a search in the database or an inquiry based on a unique key.
Reader - a user who exclusively receives information from a hypersystem.
User interaction - the interaction between man and computer.
User interface - the physical and logical setup of an application to communicate with a user, for example a mouse, a keyboard and a screen display.
User - the user of a hypermedia system. The user may either follow the information as a reader or be the author of the information.