Products made in the Understand IT project

Result number Resource Digital On paper
  WP 1 - Project analyses (Fachhochschule Koblenz).
Aim: Learn from and about the results from all the involved projects. The projects to be analysed are the Leonardo projects VITAE, iQTool and eTutors Portal.
1 A Facts sheet of the VITAE approach with references to online and other resources X X
2 A Facts sheet of the iQTool project with references to online and other resources X X
3 A Facts sheet of the eTutor Portal with references to online and other resources X X
  WP 2 - CCeD model adaptation (HiST).
Aim: Learn how to use the CCeD model and adapt the model to the aims and objectives of the Understand IT project.
4a Process Description for Distributed Concurrent Design X X
4b CCD, CCeD og D-CCeD X X
4c CCeD modell Adaptation X X
  WP 3 - CCeD work sessions (HiST).
Aim: To further develop the the Vitae methodology and the Vitae courses. To use iQTool to secure the content and activities planned for in Vitae. To make preparation for creating a sustainable business model (WP8) to spread the results (Transfer of innovation) from the Vitae project to new institutions and new countries in Europe.
5 Vitae Course Design Document - four institutions in four European countries. X X
6 Vitae Business Plan - four institutions in four European countries. X X
  WP 4 - Language and cultural adaptations (Fachhochschule Koblenz).
Aim: To find ways of making the Vitae approach and training material available in different languages and guide course developers and online-moderators preparing and doing their online-courses.
7a The Vitae Course, English version, translated learning outcomes and language adaptations for Italy, Lithuania, Norway and Portugal X X
7b Language and Cultural Adaptation Guidelines X X
7c Adaptation of the learning style - online-course "Coaching Techniques" X X
  WP 5 - VET teacher training Vitae courses (BETI).
Aim: To increase the use of modern web 2.0 based ICT tools by VET teachers, trainers and tutors. Run training courses in Portugal, Norway, Italy and Lithuania.
8 A general plan of piloting and evaluation of the Vitae course X X
  WP 6 - Establish a Community of Practice for VET teacher training (UoR).
Aim: To establish a Web 2.0 workspace where VET teachers, tutors and trainers can exchange ideas. This forum could either be created as part of the project or it could be implemented as an activity within an ongoing CoP.
14a A CoP for sharing and reuse of resources and expertise (new window) X
14b Community of practice X X
14c Migrationof eTutors content into CoP X X
  WP 7 - Evaluation (Anne Fox).
Aim: To establish efficient procedures for monitoring the project process, to ensure quality control of the project results as well as an evaluation of the project process and project results. The Evaluation should therefore be qualitative and ongoing from the beginning. The evaluation report should be worked out step by step and follow the whole process.
9 Quality Report-Dec5
Quality Report Oct 2011
source material (rar-archive)
  WP 8 - A generic business model (CENFIM).
Aim: Dissemination and Exploration of results from Leonardo and other EU projects need more attention and a more systematic way of making the work last and be sustainable. The aim of this workpackage is to develop a generic business model, i.e.a Pattern that can be used by other organizations who will implement the Vitae approach and by similar projects.
10a Business model generator X X
10b A generic business model (Pattern) (new window) X
  WP 9 - Dissemination and exploitation (NADE).
Aim: To make public the results of the work done in the Understand IT project both to managers, teachers, and researchers, and to organize for a wide spread use of the Vitae approach by Learning centers, VET institutions and universities. A set of papers, conference presentations etc.
13 Project web site X
11a Article about Understand IT in SYNKRON 1/11 (new window) X
11b UnderstandIT Pamphlet X X
11c UnderstandIT Poster X X
11d Presentation at the NFF Conference 14.-15.11 X X
11e Informatics and e-learning - paper in EUprofile X X
11f Article in Synkron 01.02.2012 X X
11g Dansk artikkel av Anne X
11h Concurrent Design Approach to the Design of Customized Corporate E-Learning - PhD by Knut Arne Strand, HiST X
  WP 10 - Project management (HiST).
Aim: Coordinate the Understand IT project.
12a Interim report X X
12b Final report X X
12c Agenda partner meeting Trondheim X X
12d Minutes partner meeting Trondheim X X
12e Agenda partner meeting Lisbon X X
12f Minutes partner meeting Lisbon X X
12g Agenda partner meeting Copenhagen X X
12h Minutes partner meeting Copenhagen X X
12i Agenda partner meeting Rome X X
12j Minutes partner meeting Rome X X